The big news last week revolved around a study by the Veterans Administration which showed Vitamin E was of limited value in helping to maintain the physical abilities of individual with Alzheimer’s.  While it does help to prove that vitamins can make a difference in disease states, that difference, though significant, was quite minor with this population.

Dr Shea found in his studies at UMass-Lowell that natural vitamin E helps to protect the outside of the brain from oxidation, leakage and other damage caused by sugar and beta amyloid. (See posts above) However, it does not  protect inside the cells.  For this the body requires other nutrients like  N-acetyl cysteine, B6 & 12, SAMe  and ALCAR.  (To learn more click here).

These in this synergistic combination can make a real difference! So keep your eye’s peeled. When our study comes out later this year, that should make some real news! Because it makes a real difference, not just in physical ability but memory and mood as well.  And I see this now every week in those I work with.


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