Last month the University of Exeter in Wales released findings from a new study showing that people with early stage dementia benefit when they are empowered to manage their own condition. This research published in the journal “International Psychogeriatrics,” found attending weekly “self-management” group sessions which encourage socialization, discussion, problem solving, and goal setting, foster independence and promoted social support among people with dementia.  The Exeter report went on note:

The groups, led by trained facilitators, were focused on providing participants with a better understanding of their dementia and ways to cope with it.

Participants were supported in their ability to manage their own symptoms, treatment and lifestyle changes with information and expert help. They were then encouraged to share ideas and strategies for dealing with their condition and were encouraged to record notes and reminders in a handbook.

‘Developing dementia can be a scary and isolating experience. We developed a group program to help people with dementia manage their condition and find ways of dealing with the changes in their lifestyle. We found early evidence that empowering people to manage their own symptoms and bringing them together helped them feel more confident about managing everyday life with dementia.” said lead researcher Dr. Catherine Quinn, Senior Research Fellow in The Centre for Research in Ageing and Cognitive Health (REACH).

“All this has helped to enhance their quality of life. The group members became friends and supported each other, and we found that they benefited from being able to learn from each other.”

The pilot randomized controlled study, which was funded by Health and Care Research Wales, compared a group of people with early stage dementia who attended the 90-minute sessions for eight weeks to a group who received no intervention.

The impact of the sessions was assessed by interviews with people with dementia and their caregivers after three months and then again after six.

Results showed that participants benefited from the facilitator support, information and help provided, and became better able to help themselves and found support in other group members.

This is a very interesting study because too many assume once a person is diagnosed with dementia that basically all is lost, they can’t learn anything new, and need others to do practically everything for them. This study helps reveal that as a false assumption. There is much that these people can still learn and do and benefit from. In fact the more they are encouraged to do the more they can do, and the better off they are as well as those around them.

It also helps demonstrate the value of social support, and shows that even those with early stage dementia can learn from others and benefit from social interaction and support.

Most seniors want to stay at home, but this supports the common reality that group living may actually promote a higher quality of life. Assisted Living facilities should love this one. Plus it gives them a bit more guidance on some things they can be doing with these groupings.

Finally, as always the researchers note : “We will need to carry out a larger scale trial to obtain more definitive evidence, but our initial results indicate that enabling people with dementia to take control and manage their condition can be beneficial,”  added Dr Quinn.

If you want to read more about the study it’s called:
A pilot randomized controlled trial of a self-management group intervention for people with early-stage dementia (The SMART study). *International Psychogeriatrics.* Published online December 17, 2015.





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