As you likely know, we live in a toxic world.  In most places in the US, the air we breathe, the water  we drink, even the food we eat contains chemistry which at high enough levels can be toxic to the human body and brain. (If the mere thought of this freaks you out, or you’re in a hurry skip down to What’s a Body to do?)  In high traffic areas there is benzene and other hydrocarbons in the air, bacteria, chlorine, fluoride, and maybe even medication residue in the water, bisphenol in the plastic we drink from, toxic fire retardants in our furniture, aluminum in antiperspirants, lead in old paint, mercury in the amalgams in our mouth, and other toxins in our dry cleaning, upholstery, perfumes, cosmetics, botox, scented air fresheners, shampoos, hair dyes, paint thinners, bug sprays, as well as mycotoxins from fungi in water damaged walls, and some food products, not to mention various preservatives, excess gluten, artificial coloring, and flavoring like artificial sweeteners, MSG, nitrites, hydrogenated oils, GMO’s, and other toxins in our food.  Even vaccines and over many medications contain chemistry that can overburden our immune system and adversely impact the brain.

Bottom line we live in a toxic world.  It almost makes me sick just listing these, and that list is by no means complete. (Click here or a more detailed listing)  No wonder so many seniors experience toxic overload that adversely affects their immune system, liver, kidney’s, nervous system, and eventually their brain.  And a greater number of children, even infants are now being born with toxic overload from the get-go, making them more susceptible to hyperactivity, attention deficit disorders and even autism and atherosclerosis.

Some years ago a chemical that causes neurological damage called methylisothiazoline (MIT) was found in 4 leading brands of shampoo.  Head and Shoulders, Suave, Clairol and Pantene Hair Conditioner all contain this ingredient. Researchers believe exposure to this chemical may be a factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease and other nervous system disorders.  But when used by pregnant women it could also put their fetus at risk for abnormal brain development.  In fact one 2005 study of cord blood from newborns found almost 300 environmental compounds that could adversely affect a newborn including mercury and DDT.

What is so amazing is the fact that our bodies are usually able to deal with all of these, with minimal signs of damage…, at least it may not be apparent until we are older and our immune system and organs begin to struggle under this toxic burden, giving rise to a condition called “toxicant-induced loss of tolerance” or simply “chemical intolerance.”  This is when the immune system becomes so overwhelmed that it throws up it’s arms (antibodies), and goes wacko, giving rise to a variety of autoimmune over-reactive disorders.  In worse case scenarios such people can hardly function in our toxic world (even the smell of another’s perfume or laundry can make them ill), without a mask or respirator, or they develop disorders like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.

Symptoms of loss of chemical tolerance

  • Intolerance to smells
  • Intolerance to jewelry
  • Intolerance to shampoo, lotions, detergents, etc.
  • Multiple food sensitivities
  • Constant skin outbreaks
  • Feeling bloated
  • Weight gain
  • Poor bowel function
So what’s a body to do?

Fortunately, while I was researching this topic for a new assessment tool, I was given a book by Doctor Datis Kharrazian, clinical professor of Neuro Science at Loma Linda School of Medicine, considered to be one of the top experts in the US in this field. His book is called, Why Isn’t My Brain Working?  A great book for clinicians who work with various brain disorders.  He provides some encouraging insights.

He notes that we should try to avoid these if we can.  And we could go live in a tent in the forest. We could exercise long and hard in the sun or sit in a sauna to try to sweat these out. And there is chelation therapy where a substance is injected into ones veins which essentially grabs onto metals and other toxins to pull them out of our tissues.  And we can have our amalgam fillings replaced. But all of these come with their own challenges and risks.

He cautions someone with an over-reactive immune system could actually get worse with chelation,  for example, as these toxins are pulled from tissues (usually fatty tissues) and dumped into the blood stream where they could circulate to the brain. If one’s blood brain barrier has been compromised, or their immune system over-reacts this could compound the problem, causing conditions to go from bad to worse.  So he offers a much simpler solution.

He notes, “One of the most vital approaches to improve chemical tolerance is to support glutathione levels and your glutathione recycling system. Glutathione is the body’s most powerful antioxidant and is integral to a healthy defense system. Ideally, the body maintains sufficient glutathione levels. However, extreme or chronic stress depletes it. These stressors can include poor diets, diets lacking in sulfur, relent­less traffic, smoking or second-hand smoke, over exercising, alcohol consumption…in other words, normal daily life for many people.”

(Foods containing sulfur include: broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, mustard greens, turnips, asparagus, watercress, eggs, garlic, beans, onions, fish, fowl, nuts, coconut milk, dried fruit.)

Overcoming Oxidation & Free Radicals

All of these stressors and toxins can cause oxidation or the release of damaging free radicals in the body. And glutathione, is what our body produces to neutralize or mop these up. One molecule of glutathione can quench millions of free radicals, to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. And unlike most other antioxidants like vitamin C, it can be recycled and replenished, and go on to quench millions more. In fact Kharrazin notes, “… it is difficult to develop chemical intolerance or autoimmunity if the glutathione system is robust.”

“When there is enough of the proper form of glutathione in the body to “take the bullet,” no free radical response occurs. But when… the body is low in glutathione, an environmental compound such as plastics, pesticides, perfumes, or gasoline fumes is more likely to cause an immune reaction [and chronic inflammation].” (p. 421)

“Studies have also shown that efficient glutathione recycling helps boost regulatory T-cells, which promote immune balance and helps prevent immune system hyperactivity. Proper glutathione activity also… helps tissues recover from damage.” (p. 422)

So what’s a body to do? Avoid these stressors and toxins when we can, stay physically active, and get a good night’s sleep (as toxins are removed from the brain during sleep), but most importantly we need to keep our glutathione levels robust and replenished. For this the following supplements are recommended (it’s hard to get these in sufficient quantities from food alone to provide a therapeutic effect):

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) – a key protein required for glutathione production.
Curcumin – from the spice turmeric aids in the synthesis of glutathione, and is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents that we know of.
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) – recycles  and extends the metabolic life span of glutathione as well as other important antioxidants like Vitamins C & E.
Milk thistle (Silymarin) – shown to help increase milk thistle as well as other endogenous antioxidants.

Additionally Dr. Kharrazian talks about the importance of a beneficial form of nitric oxide (eNOS) which helps repair the immune barriers, dampen inflammation and improve circulation. He notes: “Bursts of high-intensity aerobic exercise activate eNOS, as do a variety of nutritional and botanical compounds,” including alpha GPC choline, acetyl-L-carnitine, vinpocetin, and huperzine A. Additionally, he encourages his patients to “get their heart rate up within the first hour of waking, even if it’s only for one to five minutes.” He notes that doing this “will jump start eNOS for the day and help dampen inflammation, improve blood flow, and repair the immune barriers, all of which help to restore chemical tolerance and dampen autoimmunity.”(p. 427)

Later he notes that high levels of resveratrol, and curcumin also help to dampen inflammatory pathways, which are especially important if someone has liver damage.

A Great New Brain Formula With Multiple Benefits

Last June I wrote you about the impending advent of a great new formula and for improving memory called Memoryze™. In that newsletter I noted a dozen different ways in which the 12 active ingredients in this new drink mix “facilitate optimal cognitive function.” These include: supporting microvascular health, blood and oxygen flow to the brain; increasing energy production in the brain; and improving both the production and transmission of the molecules needed to make memories. However, that is not all. This formula also contain six of the nutrients, which Kharrazian notes are important if not critical to protect the brain against toxins – both foreign and endogenous.

These nutrients include NAC, the basic protein from which glutathione is made, Vitamins C & E which replenish glutathione, GPC choline, acetyl-L-carnitine, resveratrol and curcumin, all of which work synergistically to reduce damage and inflammation and protect and strengthen the cells of the brain, in addition to improving their function. There are more than 100 studies that support the value of these various nutrients in promoting brain health and memory.

There may be other formulations that are nearly as effective in stimulating the brain, but to my knowledge there no other formulations as effective for curbing age related, or toxin induced, cognitive decline while at the same time improving both memory and mood. For a decent review of the ingredients and related research go here.

After more than a year of waiting and negotiating, this formula, with a healthy new taste, will finally become available on Wednesday February 28th.  Normally it will retail for $69. I hope to be able to provide it for my clients and friends like you for $49. But if you would like to try a 1-3 month supply now I have worked out a special introductory price so you can obtain it, along with a free self-administered memory test, for the next 3 weeks for only $39 plus $6.50 priority shipping.

It takes time to stop decline and reverse memory loss, and this is not miracle grow. While younger healthy individuals may see improvements within a few weeks. For those over 60 with some memory loss it may take a few months. But past research suggests most, even with significant memory loss, will see measurable progress within 4 months (see examples below).

Nutritional deficits and exposure to neuro toxins are believed to be the most common causes of cognitive decline as we age. Memoryze™ addresses both of these, like no other formula available. If you would like to see what this can to to both protect your brain and improve your memory at the same time, simply email me your address at or call me at 801-529-8238, and I will have a jar or two or three (whichever you request) sent out to you immediately.

Dave Larsen, MFHD

If you are wondering if this really helps here are a few testimonials to consider.

Memory & Anxiety   –
Background:  Mid 70’s embarrassing cognitive decline.  Asked after 3 mo what had improved. Quote:  “I don’t feel as panicked about my inability to consistently come up with a word I want when talking and a person turns away or when in a group, when the conversation just goes on without me when I can’t come up with a word. I now have a wider available vocabulary. Oftener, now, I am able to come up with an appropriate, interesting word in sentences when I talk…My affect has improved. I’m happier and clearer.  –  Merla B.

Mood  –
Background: Noted her memory and focus has improved significantly since starting on this formula.
Quote: “I think something else is happening.  I feel like I am being pulled out of a well…not so depressed…is that supposed to happen?  Anyway, I find this is slowly but surely helping. Have been taking it everyday.  Thank you for everything!  This is awesome!”  –  S. Featherstone

Reverses Cognitive  & Physical Decline –
Background: Husband was in the Perceptiv study, but after a year he stopped improving and resumed his decline.
Quote: “After only a month on this new formula my husband was doing better than he’s done in the last two years!  He was so doped up he could hardly talk or walk. Now he is on NO medication. He’s had a complete personality reversal. Others have noticed as well. He can talk better, is much calmer, more compliant, considerate and loving. No more evening agitation or belligerent behavior. No more ‘Sundowners syndrome.’ After two months he went out playing golf with his sons. And today he even turned on and adjusted the television. Something he hasn’t done for more than a year. I can hardly believe his progress, but it’s true!” – Mrs. Taylor

Improves Cognitive and Social abilities –
Background: His wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. He tried various things with some improvements. However, since he started giving her Memoryze he’s noted the following: Quote: “She is now able to talk and communicated much better. She is now able to carry on a good conversation, which she could not do before. She is less tired, sleeps less during the day, and can do things now she hasn’t been able to do for years.” – A. Knowles

Delayed Dementia –
Background:  Her friends mom, in her late 80’s was slipping into dementia. Quote:  “I just wanted to let you know that I talked with Christina, Carla K’s daughter a few days ago. She is absolutely thrilled with the positive changes in her mother since she began taking the [Memoryze] you recommended for her. Christina says she can now stay engaged, follow the train of a conversation, and is engaged and interested in life in a way she hasn’t been for a long time. Also, none of the side effects from the prescription medication she had been taking. They are very grateful.” – D. Johnson

Improves Mental and Physical Abilities Delays Delusions –
Background: Fred is over 90 with a diagnosis of AD. He had been taking Memoryze and SAMe for about six months.  He got so good at playing cards that he could sometimes beat his wife.  He became more mobile as well. They went on a trip to the Washington D.C. Veterans Memorial (both are WWII vets) and forgot to bring the Memoryze and SAMe with them. By the third day Fred was delusional. He called the police on her, claiming she had stolen their baby. He continued this way until she got him home and back on the Memoryze and SAMe. In two days the delusions went away. Once again Fred is doing well. Marty said she will never go off it again.  – Marty & Fred M

Saves Money Improves Quality of Life –
Background: Jerry’s wife was in a care center when he started giving her Memoryze and SAMe. In one month she made so much improvement that the doctor said he could take her home, where she remained for the last year.  They went on a trip (without a full supply of Memoryze) and she had a setback and is once again in a facility. But he acknowledges that the Memoryze and SAMe did give them an extra year, and saved him tens of thousands of dollars. –  Jerry W.

Easy and Effective –
Quote:[My mom] is finding the Memoryze easier to take than so many capsules and tablets.  We celebrated her 90th birthday this year with a trip to Lake Tahoe and almost had her parasailing, but in the end she decided to just enjoy the boat ride and watch the rest of us. …I feel the supplements have made a difference for her.”  –  Dr. Jaine F.



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