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Copyright © 1999-2004 by Lynn D. Johnson. Reproduction permitted.
The autogenic training exercises below can help you recover from anxiety, stress, and tension.
These exercises have also been shown to aid in the recovery from certain diseases in which stress
plays a part, such as headaches, high blood pressure, some stomach problems, and so on.
Repeat every phrase, silently, in your mind, three times. Say the phrase in a quiet, thoughtful
way. Pause after and notice how you feel. Focus on your feelings for two or three breaths.
Practice each set of exercises until you are quite heavy with them.
Practice at least twice a day. The more often you return your body to a state of restful quiet,
the more energy and self-control you will experience.
Set 1:
I feel quite quiet. . . I am easily relaxed. . .
My right arm feels heavy and relaxed. . . My left arm feels heavy and relaxed. . . My arms feel
heavy and relaxed and relaxed . . .
My right leg feels heavy and relaxed. . . My left leg feels heavy and relaxed. . . My arms and
legs feel heavy and relaxed and relaxed. . . My hips and stomach are quiet and relaxed . . . My
shoulders are heavy and relaxed and relaxed . . My breathing is calm and regular . . . My face is
smooth and quiet . . .I am beginning to feel quite relaxed. . .
Set 2:
My right hand is warm. . . My left hand is warm. . . Warmth flows into my hands. . . My
hands are warm. . . My right foot is warm. . . My left foot is warm. . . My hands and feet are
warm. . . Warmth flows into my hands and feet . . . My eyes are comfortably warm and peaceful
. . . My forehead is cool and my eyes are warm . . . I am warm and peaceful . . .
Set 3:
I am beginning to feel quite relaxed. . . My breathing is calm and regular. . . My heartbeat is
calm and regular. . . I am at peace. . . Sounds and sights around contribute to peace. . . Peace
goes with me though out the day . . . There is nothing to bother and nothing to disturb. . .
Set 4: I am aware of my inner wisdom . . . I respect my inner wisdom . . . I listen to my inner
wisdom . . . I listen to my heart . . . My heart teaches me wisdom . . .
Set 5: I enjoy the people in my life . . . I enjoy my own life . . .I have good will for people . . . I
feel patience and compassion toward people . . .
At this point, picture in your mind various positive images about people you know. You might
pick someone you are angry with, say, “I forgive you” to that person, and picture wonderful
things happening to that person. Picture good things happening to those you love. Imagine
yourself achieving things you feel proud about. Picture yourself healthy and happy.
If you wish to make your own phrases, use the principle that you are describing things as if they are already happening. Speak in positive terms, such as, “tobacco is unpleasant to me” rather than “I don’t use tobacco.” Generally, you would avoid negative words like “no, not, never, don’t” and so on.
Special procedure: Patients sometimes want some relief from a troubling emotion, or from pain.
Learn this process and repeat it . . .

What RATING do you give your unpleasant feeling (including pain!)? See that number, and push
it away from you. Watch it leave for about 30 seconds to one minute.
What COLOR is your emotion? Imagine that feeling or pain being located in a part of your body.
Look to the edges. Where does the feeling end? Imagine your body can produce a natural bleach.
See your body bleach out that color with a natural chemical the body can produce. Notice the
edges of the feeling as they start to fade first.
Suppose the feeling were in a container, like a gallon jar or a quart container. What AMOUNT is
your emotion? See a container with that amount, and open a small hole in the bottom and feel the
liquid run out. Feel all aspects of it. Is it warm? Cool? Cold? Is it runny? Or thick? Is it sticky? Or
slippery? Is the liquid oily? Or watery? Shake off your fingers and watch the liquid run down into
a drain and away.
What SOUND would your emotion be? If it were a voice, what would it say? If it were music,
what kind of music would it be? If it were some other sound, what would it be? Do something to
reduce or turn off the sound, or change it in some positive way.
Return to what RATING you give your emotion, and continue. Rate the strength of the feeling
now, and then push it away. Imagine the color, and bleach it out. Look at the amount, and feel it
run out of a container. Listen to the sound and modify it. Repeat 2 to 6 times. Notice what
difference it makes. Whenever your body needs this kind of break, it will signal you by giving you
the pain or the emotion that you have just worked on. Each time, thank the body for the reminder.
Spend some quiet time working with these techniques. Notice whether you feel refreshed and
rested afterwards.

Whenever you feel particularly good, comfortable, or confident, notice that feeling and welcome
it. Thank yourself for making that feeling happen. Remind yourself of these good times as often as possible. Good feelings are like music: the more you practice, the more skilled you become.


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