What if there was a system that could enable us to recover or heal from virtually any ailment Alzheimer’s, Acid reflux, Aspergers, bulimia, cancer, cardio-vascular disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, depression, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, Parkinson’s, TBI’s (traumatic brain injuries), etc? Well there is!  it’s called the Human Bio – short for biological system or body. The truth is our body is amazing in it’s capacity to heal itself IF…. (See amazing examples below)

I am going to explain that “IF” in a second, but recently I listened in on an interview with an oncologist that was very enlightening. He noted there is only one thing that can cure cancer, and it’s not drugs or medications, exotic foods, or magic potions, it’s the human body it’s self. That is really the only thing that heals. And it’s amazing in its capacity to do so. It can even correct or compensate for genetic aberrations, and repair double DNA breaks, IF… it has the resources or right building blocks in the right ratios  it needs to do so.

What are those building blocks? Well we call them nutrients. They consist of vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, antioxidants and other phytonutrients that make up our bio-chemistry. When the body has adequate amounts of these it can do amazing things for itself. But when it does not, when it’s lacking even one or two of these essential nutrients, then all kinds of bad things can begin to happen. That’s the one cachink or weakness in our body’s amour. It needs those building blocks. But when it has them, especially in the right forms and ratios truly amazing things can happen.

I witnessed that this past month, with a new formulation, that you paid for! Yes you!  Shortly after 911 the Marine Corp contacted an innovative bio-research group and asked them if they could develop a formulation that could protect our men and women in combat, from the hazards and stressors of war, from the inside out. Was there some super combination of nutrients that could protect their vital organs, heart, lungs, circulatory system and brain from traumatic stress, injury and environmental toxins like radiation, bio warfare, etc?

“Well probably so,” was the answer. But this had never been done before. Never before had a supplement been developed that could supply all of the essential nutrients not always found in an American diet in the right forms and ratios to accomplish all of the above. However, an elite team of MD’s, biochemists and research scientists was assembled, and unbeknownst to you, Congress appropriated more than 15 millions $$ to make that happen. It’s a fascinating story, but after thousand of hours of research, numerous tests, trials and tweeking, and more than a 20 major studies, first with animals and then with humans, a formulation emerged that enables healing in the human body that is nothing short of astounding. 

In state of the art labs and medical centers at NASA, Walter Reed Medical Center, the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Center,  the Marine Corps Combat Training Centers at 29 Palms, CA (where I once served), and Quantico, VA; as well as various academic institutions both in the US and abroad, researchers were able to verify this formulations potent potential to reduce cellular and DNA damage, repair DNA and enable animals to protect themselves from cancer causing radiation, and humans from oxidative damage, insulin resistance, atherosclerosis, fatigue, mood and memory disorders. As well as protecting against and speeding recovery from concussions, traumatic stress and other neurological or brain injuries.

Now after several years of use by the military a group of health minded civilians have negotiates and obtained the rights and permission to provide this to civilians.

You can see and hear the story here  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyAp4voR8yA ;

In late October an MD, PhD Biochemist friend invited me to attend the official launch of this new formulation.  It turns out they had actually started providing this to civilians on a trial basis back in February of this year. The news of this was passed by word of mouth only. The idea was, “Try this. If it helps tell others.” I’ve attended product launches before and was expecting to find a group of 30 or 40 young entrepreneurs. But I was amazed when I reached the convention center to find it packed with more than 1200 old people. The event occurred in Utah, but when I finally found an open seat near the front, I was sitting next to a couple in their 70’s who had driven there from New York. And everyone had a story.

The husband told me his wife had been informed of this by a friend, and found after taking it only 2 weeks that the pain in her feet had completely disappeared, and the ringing in his ears has also ceased, and they both had more energy and vigor than they’d felt in years.

At the lunch break I asked the people around me in line if they knew of anyone who had been helped with neurological or Memory problems. One woman told me of a neighbor who had suffered a stroke, and pretty much lost his ability to speak. After just a few weeks on the formula, she said he had regained his speech, and could carry on a fairly normal conversation. 

Another woman told of a friend whose 94 year old mother was in an assisted living facility but the family was planning to move her to a dementia care ward, as she could no longer remember who her daughter was or other family members. But after a month or so on this formula, the daughter noted that her mother called her on the telephone and even asked about her husband by name. She said, “We’ve got Mom back!”

At lunch I sat with a 71 yr old woman who told me she had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2001. And with chronic osteoarthritis in 2009. She had a hip replacement in 2012, and had chronic herpes, severe ringing in her ears. She’d been on Oxycodon with Gabapentin for pain since 2009. She was also on Xanax to deal with her relentless depression and anxiety, which she described in some detail. The following is her description (I asked her to send this to me) of what happened next.

“Began taking Micronutrients Oct 7, 2014 (4 capsules) the next morning I didn’t need to take any pain meds to get around. NO PAIN I didn’t take any oxycodon until 1:30 pm and then I only took 1/2 pill which was enough. I took the other half in the evening. A friend called me that day and remarked…”What are you doing?  Your voice sounds different, …”.  I said, ” I do feel different, like a cloud has been lifted off me”.  It was then I realized I didn’t feel depressed. On day 3 I went for a walk…8 blocks no cane, no PAIN meds. …the ringing in my ears has diminished greatly. I’m slowly getting off the PAIN meds. Still taking 1/2 pill twice a day. Completely off Xanax. I have great energy am now doing yard work and other things I haven’t done in years!”  Amazing!

Despite all of these stories I’ve been taking a “wait and see attitude.” I guess I’m a bit of a skeptic, but I also like experiments, so I now have 14 clients trying this. A couple of weeks ago, a doctor friend asked me what I thought might help one of his friends with Parkinson’s I suggested he might try this. Sunday he called me with his friend and wife on the other line. They just wanted to tell me that after just 3 days this man felt his strength had improved, and his mind was “clearer”.

I asked how many he took ea day. He reported – “only one.” (4 are recommended) So after just 3 pills he was claiming improvements!  That to me is near unbelievable, especially for a nutritional supplement. I’m usually thrilled if I hear of such improvements in a few weeks, let alone a few days.

In summary here’s what this little wonder formula has been shown to do:

* Safeguard DNA = Preserves cellular blueprints
* Repair and optimize mitochondria = greater energy for physical and mental tasks
* Protect, repair and strengthen cells throughout the body = promotes healthier heart, brain, liver, lung, and other organ function
* Reduce oxidative stress = Slows tissue damage and functional decline
* Extinguish inflammation = Reduces discomfort, promotes healing and enhances well-being
* Improve endothelial function = Enhances blood flow to cells throughout the body
* Increase immune function = Minimize down time, reduced illness
* Increase cellular strength = Improved function throughout the body, faster recovery
* Boost anti-aging processes = Feel, think and move about better

Lots of supplements claim some of these benefits. But none deliver like this. That’s why the word is spreading by personal witness not just promises.

It appears able to penetrate and positively affect every organ in the body.  Symptom improvements reported include:

Greater strength and energy, improved sleep, improved clarity of thought, focus, and memory, elevated mood, depression & anxiety gone, Aspergers reduced. pain in back, legs, hips, etc greatly reduced or eliminated, better able to hold my bladder, improved digestion, reduced acid reflux, improved circulation and feeling in hands and feet, improved vision and hearing, hair stopped falling out, male sexual performance enhanced – ED no longer a problem, digestion improved, skin blotches gone, Eczema disappeared, fat loss enhanced, blood sugar levels reduced nail appearance improved, fungus gone, no more nightmares.

But don’t take my word for it. Listen to what this doctor has experienced and witnessed:  http://mmfsuccess.weebly.com/dr-carroll.html

On this site you can see summaries of some of their studies. http://www.militarymicronutrient.com/mmf.html

If that’s not enough here are some miscellaneous other reports on different conditions. http://mmfsuccess.weebly.com/testimonials.html

If you want to learn more here is my portal to their members website. http://engage-global.com/DMLarsen

I want to be clear, I am not claiming that this will prevent, mitigate or cure any disease or physical malady. But it does provide the nutrients our body needs, in effective forms and ratios to accomplish what it was designed to do – and the results are simply astounding!

Unfortunately you cannot purchase this online unless you want a month’s worth for 2 and sign-up to become a member ($106 – which gives you the rights to buy wholesale and sell to others). But I have purchased 40 extra samples, so if you would like to try this, for only $19.95 and $5 postage I can send you a 10 day sample – while supplies last. That alone should be enough to feel the difference it can make. Just email me your request and address to:  davidrjl@aol.com

This replaces any multivitamin, and most antioxidant supplements including Vitamins A, B, C, D, E calcium, magnesium, selenium, CoQ10, zinc, and others you may already be taking in less effective forms. So it may not cost more than you are already paying, and it does not conflict with any med we are aware of, as there are no exotic herbs, only nutrients essential to human health, but I guarantee you’ll get more bang for your buck from this than from any other food supplement you have ever tried.

This is the dawning of a new age in nutritional formulations. This is tomorrows anti-aging supplement available today! It’s already sweeping the country by word of mouth. In just 9 months more than 6,000 people have experienced its power. Sooner or later you will want to try it. Let me know if now is a good time for you, or someone you care about. I am anxious to hear what it may do for you.

David R. Larsen, MFHD
801 529-8238.

 FDA disclaimer: These statement have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. (Only your body  can do that IF it has what it needs to succeed. )






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