o-GREEN-VEGETABLES-570Last year I reported on a British study which found that those who ate 7 or more servings of vegetables enjoyed the greatest life satisfaction. Now a new study out of Canada notes that vitamin K1 found primarily in green leafy vegetables, can enhance episodic memory in seniors. (See it here) You may recall our findings in the UMass formula study that those who did not eat vegetables did not make the same gains on that formula as those who did. This may be an important reason why this and other supplements work better for some seniors than others.

Also this week I read a special report by Tony Gentilcore, C.S.C.S, one of the top fitness trainers in the country who claimed if you want to make better gains in the gym (physical fitness) vegetables (especially green ones) rather than more meat or high protein shakes is the way to go. (Read more here)  “When athletes start eating more vegetables, they don’t fatigue as easily,” he reports, and “It’s common to see them setting personal records in the weight room within a few weeks.”

I am not a vegetarian. In fact I do not believe that a vegan diet it optimally healthy (because it generally lack vitamin B-12 – which is essential to brain health), but the growing evidence for the importance of eating more vegetables, and especially green leafy veggies is impressive!  Looks like your mother was right about those vegetables after all!


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