A new  study out on Autism suggests that gut health may play a major role. In this study conducted at Arizona State University they found that the gut bacteria of autistic children is “vastly different” than that of typical children, they tend to have fewer types and much more of the “bad” bacteria than their healthier peers.

Study author and lead researcher Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown, PhD, noted “Studies have shown that when we manage these [gut] problems, their behavior improves dramatically.”

This study echoes the words of Dr. Mark Hyman author of The UltraMind Solution who pointed out in 2008 that 90% of children with autism have stomach and digestion problems. In his book he explains some of the causes and how this can affect the mental abilities of older adults as well.

The bottom line, he notes, is that the guts of these genetically susceptible autistic children are damaged for many reasons — live measles vaccinations, toxic metals, overuse of antibiotics, abnormal gut flora, and food allergies.

The net result is that their digestion breaks down. Digestive enzymes don’t work properly. Food particles (especially from gluten and dairy) are partially digested and become brain-fogging toxic compounds. The immune system in the gut is switched on and activated by toxins, viruses, bacteria, and food allergens, leading to brain inflammation. Toxic bacteria and yeasts take over, releasing compounds that change normal brain operations. All this overwhelms the system and creates chaos between the brain and the gut’s immune system.

While this whole discussion on digestive problems in autistic children is interesting, you might wonder how this relates to depression or Alzheimer’s or just feeling a little brain fog. Through the extreme example of autism we can see one end of a spec¬trum of disorders that may affect millions in small and large ways, from full-on psychosis and dementia to mild anxiety and a little depression. Dealing with gut inflammation, Hyman notes, is a back door into healing the brain.

People who have celiac disease or inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS) are more likely to develop dementia. And even schizophrenia has been linked to bowel in¬flammation and autoimmune response to gluten. Learning what causes brain inflammation and how to heal the gut are central to the UitraMind Solution.

If you know anyone who has a child with Autism, or if you would like to learn more I highly recommend The Ultra Mind Solution.

Learn more about IBS and what may be helpful here. 

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