Last week Positive Psychologist Dr. Lynn Johnson sent me this note for any mental health care professionals in need of CEU’s or interested in Autogenic Training as it applies to  stress management, meditation, health and performance enhancement.  ” I recently did some mental training with a marathon runner. She’d had a lot of trouble with her last marathons, and not finished well. She hoped to finish well last Saturday in the Huntsville marathon and came in for some mental training. I took her through my standard protocol and she finished 7th in women overall and 1st in her age group!

So these are skills I think everyone should have. Laypeople should sign up. If you have a client interested, share the links (when they finally come!) and encourage her / him to investigate it. Learn to use your brain for a change!

But especially for licensed mental health counselors, my class will offer 12 CEU hours of training (well, more but that is the number we are approved for) in skills in therapeutic applications of AT, meditation, mental training, loving kindness, and topics like healing and pain relief. At $197 for 12 hours, that is about half what you’d pay if you went to a usual 6 hour workshop for $189. And you can do all of that training without travel in your pajamas! It is exactly the same credits as if you had shown up in person, but much more convenient.”  If you are interested send me an email and I will send you the latest links to Dr. Johnson’s training. 



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