What really makes people healthy and happy? Do you think you know? 
What does the latest research show?  
My mentor, and friend Dr. Lynn Johnson, is one of the top trainers of mental health professionals in the US, but he is now on a mission to heal America. Did you know researchers have now shown how this can be done, in most cases (see evidence below). But relatively few are aware of these new findings. Dr. Johnson is trying to bridge this knowledge gap by offering free to the public the “Lifestyle secrets of the happy and healthy.

We have been taught that the answer to our ills are in prescription pills, but with most health issues that is simply not the case.  
Modern Medicine in the US seems stuck on bandaids – drugs that may help reduce symptoms but do not address the roots of most problems.

We spend more on health care than any other country, but rank 37 in wellness and longevity. Rates of anxiety, depression and despair, chronic fatigue, stress and suicide, MS, memory loss, Alzheimer’s, ALS, autism, Parkinson’s and cancers, as well as COPD, diabetes, high blood pressure, and strokes are all on the rise in the US. What explains this apparent paradox?

Sure we are getting older, but that’s not the only reason. People get older in rural Asia, and India, but they don’t have near the incidence of such disorders. Why?
Recent Findings
The latest research shows the answer may not be in our medicine cabinets or pharmacies, but our behaviors, relationships and lifestyles.
Hint:   Tens of thousand of European’s are turning their health issues around – in major studies involving more than 60,000 people.  But because it’s not with drugs these studies are largely being ignored in America .  Yet consider these results.
The German arm of the EPIC study with over 28,000 people, found that healthy lifestyles — (including better nutrition)– produce the following health benefits in just a few years. .
–Diabetes was reduced by     70%
–Heart disease by                   65%
–Stroke by                              70%
–Cancer  by                             35%
(All chronic diseases by 78%)
2 Other studies show dementia risk was not only reduced but reversed in just 2 years.
Another US meta analysis showed one simple habit was more than twice as effective as the leading antidepressant in enhancing mood in clinically depressed  subjects. (see link below)
Would you like to be happier? Healthier?   Dr. Johnson’s powerful yet simple lifestyle modifications can make that happen, in your life and the lives of those you love and serve.
Just click on this link: http://drlynnjohnson.com/free-lifestyles-course/?ref=7 to see the first two videos in this online course.   At least one more key video is coming, but if you sign-up now for free that will automatically be sent to you. 
Lynn predicts lifestyle change is the future. Is he right? Watch these videos and decide for yourself. I think you too will be amazed, at the power this has for changing lives.
P.S.: Lynn will not leave these video up long. He will offer several free videos and then take them down, so please, don’t wait. I don’t want you to miss out on this powerful message:  http://drlynnjohnson.com/free-lifestyles-course/?ref=7
Oh and feel free to send a link to this to your friends, family and clients as well. This is a very important message for everyone to see and hear.
David LarsenMFHD

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