PerlmutterD_webRecently several people sent me a link to a great interview with world famous Neurologist David Perlmutter, MD.  Dr. Perlmutter has been leading the field in Alzheimer’s research and practice now for the past 20 years.  In this insightful interview he discusses a major reason why we are seeing more Alzheimer’s these days, as well as depression and other brain disorders.  In this he shares some great insights into the the high carb, low fat link, and what needs to be changed in our diets now to reduce everyone’s risk for Alzheimer’s, other brain drain and related issues. Great insights from a world class expert. Click here to watch this insightful interview.  Share this with every friend who eats bread.

Fructose Poisoning – Additionally, as more light is shed on the dangers of insulin resistance and obesity, a new villain has arisen – high fructose. You may also be aware of it’s dangers as well, if not you need to know this for those you serve. If you are aware of it’s dangers you will find additional ammo and insights in this article that you may want to share.



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