ICAD studies we will be reporting on include the results of two large studies examining the impact of docosahexanoic acid (DHA), an Omega-3 fatty acid found in fish and algae, on Alzheimer’s and cognitive performance. In addition to therapy trials, results from a broad range of studies will be presented at ICAD 2009, including:


  • Surprising results from two large studies on the increasing prevalence and incidence of Alzheimer’s in the “oldest old” (people over 80).
  • Several studies using new data from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) advance our knowledge of possible biomarkers — including imaging technologies and substances in blood and CSF — for early detection of Alzheimer’s and for improved testing of therapies.
  • New data from professionals who conduct Alzheimer clinical trials on the motivations for and challenges of recruiting enough volunteers — a major obstacle to progress in treatments and prevention.
  • New insights into the barriers and incentives doctors face when diagnosing an individual with Alzheimer’s, and the benefits of early detection of Alzheimer’s.
  • New research confirms the positive value of a healthy diet and moderate physical activity on cognitive performance as we age.

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